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Versfeld & Hugo, LLC provides expert assistance and guidance throughout

your immigration process.


The founding members of Our Immigration Law Firm, Versfeld & Hugo, LLC, are immigrants who practiced law in South Africa before immigrating to the United States and Australia respectively.

The firm is based upon the premise that Immigration Law could not be successfully practiced part-time, in a firm dedicated to other areas of law. The practice of Immigration Law requires attorneys and counselors who have dedicated themselves to studying, and keeping current with, the changing immigration laws.

Immigration Law is federally regulated, which enables our attorneys to represent clients before Consulates all over the world and in any jurisdiction in the United States of America. We have a network of attorneys in jurisdictions other than the United States and Australia that assists us with Immigration to almost anywhere in the world. The attorneys and staff at Versfeld & Hugo are in constant contact with the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and have worked with individuals and businesses from around the world.

Versfeld & Hugo works with dozens of national and international companies, assisting them in bringing key employees to the United States or Australia for short periods or for permanent residency. Versfeld & Hugo also works with individuals who are planning to migrate to the United States or Australia, or who already have migrated on a temporary status and would like to extend their stay.

The attorneys at Versfeld & Hugo also take great pride in their firm’s policy of assisting political refugees from the world’s war-torn and economically disadvantaged regions to relocate to safe and politically neutral havens.

With offices in the United States and Australia, Versfeld & Hugo maintains an international presence, and brings the experience of attorneys licensed to practice before courts in the United States, Australia, and South Africa.

Most of Versfeld & Hugo’s clients maintain their relationship with the firm long after their immigration matter is complete. Our attorneys understand the important legal distinction that nationality plays in an individual or business’s right to participate in government, to marry, to inherit or otherwise transfer property, and to travel freely around the world.